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Standards Regarding the Echocardiographic Examination

Standards Regarding the Transthoracic Echocardiographic Examination
Standard E1: Echocardiographic facilities shall have established protocols that describe the components of the comprehensive transthoracic examination.

Standard E2: The comprehensive transthoracic echocardiographic examination shall contain specific imaging components.

Standard E3: The comprehensive transthoracic echocardiographic examination shall contain specific Doppler components.

Standard E4: The comprehensive transthoracic echocardiographic examination shall contain specific standard measurements.

Standard E5: The facility shall have established procedures to provide the additional information where clinical indications or findings warrant.

Standards Regarding the Stress Echocardiographic Examination
Standard ES1: Echocardiographic facilities that perform Stress echocardiography shall have established protocols that describe the components of a comprehensive Stress echocardiography examination.

Standard ES2: The Stress echocardiographic screening examination shall contain specific imaging components.

Standard ES2.1: The Stress echocardiographic screening examination shall contain specific Doppler components.

Standard ES3: The comprehensive Stress echocardiographic examination shall contain the specific components.

Standard ES3.1: Standard related to Pharmacologic Stress Echocardiography.

Standard ES3.2: Standard related to Treadmill / Bike Stress Echocardiography.

Standard ES3.3: Standards related to Viability Pharmacologic Views.

Standard ES4: Additional Important Considerations for Stress Echocardiographic Examinations.

Standards Regarding the Transesophageal Echocardiographic Examination
Standard ET1: Echocardiographic facilities that perform Transesophageal echocardiography examinations (TEE) shall have established protocols that describe the components of the comprehensive transesophageal
echocardiography examination.

Standard ET2: The comprehensive Transesophageal echocardiographic examination shall contain specific views, according to the sequence of the facilities protocol.


Standard ET3: The comprehensive TEE examination shall contain specific Doppler components.

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